Sunday, March 27, 2016

Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?!- Part 2

One Phrase, One Exercise.  Each Day.

That was the thinking.

Ever since we published in 2013

Teaching Success and Good Morals in 60 days?! The age of absurd Simplicity

 we have been working on a follow up article with edits, subsequent improvements and new material. We did gather a lot of additional thoughts, refinements and comments, arguments, which we will all address here.

Thus this follow up article, to further refine, polish and upgrade the previous, hoping to ever come closer to our goal- to teach success and good morals THE SIMPLIFIED WAY.

We strongly believe the failure to eradicate evilness in the last 5000 yrs of human history is mainly due to  lack of a Simplified approach of education, on all levels- educators, parents, governments. It should be so simple that all it takes is a few minutes to recite a few short blurbs,(actually 9 of them), and practice 6 simple exercise each day (6 instead of 9 here as 1 of the exercises overlaps 3 primary emotions). This approach must be Simple, not just because we live in the ADD world of extreme short attention time span and constant distraction (esp. from social media in cellphone), but also Quick enough to be recited, Repeated, and practiced every single day, for the Ingraining Process of instilling good morals to take place.

Good morals and behaviors are supposed to be easily Understood and be Convinced of, but also something to be Repetitively practiced on a daily basis. How many times have we seen kids go through months of training at some boy scout scamp, to forget their natural good behaviors only a few days after returning. It is something to be practiced each and every day (perhaps over a course of a few yrs, preferably 4 or longer for the ingraining process to happen) to Experience, Manage, Control and Overcome  these emotions. The Repetition of these processes are essential for Character to be naturally ingrained and permanently instilled, not just during times when doing these Exercises, but also serves as  Constant Awareness and Reminders in all parts of their daily lives.

And because of this, the Exercises chosen are not some abnormal, extreme or irrelevant activities, so detached or secluded from normal daily life, but actually tasks related to  daily wants, needs and daily communicative behaviors- which is mostly a series of 6  Sales and Marketing Exercises.

Before presenting our updated findings on a Table Format, we would like to address a few issues that arose since the last article.

First we would like to issue a statement that should have been done back in 2013, which is a statement of clarification of what "committing wrong" means.

To commit wrong means
to hurt physically, or cheat, or steal,
or  negatively lie(with negative intention),
or negatively bully/ridicule (once again, with negative intention)
or being indifferent or timid when it is crucial to act/communicate/report
or being devious in scheming and carrying out wrongful acts that are detectable or undetectable (or untraceable- but obviously pretty much anything is detectable and traceable these days) or influencing others to carry out the acts

I think i am already hearing complaints and jeers.
Being indifferent or shy is committing wrong?
Yes, yes, and yes.
If one sees a societal problem/danger, crime or criminal happening  in front of one owns eyes, one has to address it, by acting quickly or  calling upon the proper authorities.  Simply pretending or ignoring or semi denying are simply unevolved and wrong, as the criminal will extend more harm in the future and take advantage of societal indifference and cowardice to commit more crimes.
Seeing a dangerous, semi detectable manhole on the street and not report it to authorities is wrong as it endangers all others\.
 As much as we want to be live alone and be independent, we cannot deny the fact that we still live as one and are always interconnected, we must act to protect each other for a civil society to hold up, to "first think for the whole" and "put others first"
at all times. Thus United we stand, divided we fall, regardless of any personal philosophical context.
It is simply a responsibility to act and address.

And scheming to carry out wrong, personally or using others to carry out the wrong, detectable or undetectable wise?
We see this in devious kids and adolescents all the time, who  think they can get away with anything by being devious enough, so that the crime cannot be traced to them legally, especially if they cunningly  incite or prompt others to commit the wrong.
Whether it is detectable or traceable is not the issue for determining whether it is wrong.
The issue here is Intention. Not being traceable just makes it worse and dangerous.

The Committing Wrong definition of ours  is obviously  a very broad definition, one that goes  "way beyond" normal  societal standard in comparison to what it means to break a societal law-we believe being indifferent and timid at times should be  inclusive  as it clearly is a societal problem. And being  devious in carrying out wrongful scheming is wrong  itself  even though one can never be caught. The reason to keep this definition this broad is that in order to create a ideal Perfect society, it entails the elimination of all these wrongful acts with a "high enough" moral grounds and upbringing.


Readers from our  first article are probably curious about any other Secondary emotional behaviors that could indirectly (indirectly because they must flow to the 9 primary) contribute to doing evil. So we attached a pretty comprehensive Appendix at the end.  Once again, the focus of our approach  here is on the Primary 9 behaviors  since all evil deeds must flow thru these 9 emotions  before an evil act is initiated. The secondary emotions are simply not strong enough for an average person to commit evil, though as mentioned previously, they could easily mutate into any one of the 9 Primary emotions, if accumulated  over time. So yes, one should still pay  attention to all these secondaries (which is quite a lengthy list, and yes, Life itself is a complicated learning process!) and be aware of their risks, especially in today's age of swift mass influence through social media- secondary emotions could easily affect peer behaviors in arousing rapid, similar, massive secondary emotions.
On a separate issue, some readers may question why 9 Primary emotions and not less, such as just 4 -mainly the utmost frontal Triggers which are fear, anger, Indifference, Deviousness- since one could really group a few of the 9 under the overarching Fear and Anger ( for eg Guilt- a derivative of fear, Jealousy- another derivative of fear such as fear of not having or being better, Exclusivity-fear of not being important, and Greed- fear of not having,  could all come under Fear).
After serious thinking, we stand by our original article of 9 since we believe that the separation into 9 is necessary as each is distinct enough to require that extra refinement in solution structuring.
On another separate  issue, some readers may wonder if we should come out with different blurbs and habits for people of different Personality Types, like those based on Myers and Briggs- Personality Profiles so to make it easier for everyone of differing personalities to practice.
We think it is not necessary, as the main reason for doing these Exercises in the first place is to personally break out of a certain mold that is holding us back- personality or otherwise. It is this exercise to Overcome and Make Habit that is crucial-  coming out with different solutions  for different personalities simply compromise and contradict that purpose.


Some readers may  question our Approach in coming up with those Blurbs/Exercises, since there are other handful of known Approaches out there  in the self help arena.
We utilized the Above Approach (Evolved, or Higher Level Thinking) which is similar to the Success/Elite Approach ( much along the thinking of any Elite or Success Academy, or High Achievers Entrepreneurs) to derive the Blurbs.
Certainly, the Above Approach that utilizes Evolved thinking is the highest level of thinking closest to Perfectionist thinking ; necessary in creating a perfect Society.

Certainly, there are a handful of other Approaches that could also be effective. Some of them are listed here-

a. The Practical Approach - "what is beneficial for me? Cost/Benefits analysis ?"  =its an extremely Grounded approach or Pragmatic Even  Level Reasoning approach, nothing lofty like Above. Effective, but also problematic as it is Self-centered overall.

b.The Fear Approach- using punishment line of thinking to prevent evil- Legal Systems, Religions, Schools have been doing that forever, with the negative of it being lack of self growth that is self initiated,  independent based.  We dont deny its effectiveness in a society that is far from ideal, but we believe that the  best approach is one that utilizes the Positive, and not the Negative.

c. The Self Denial Reversal Approach-  a viable approach that directly counteracts and reverses negative thinking and behaviors by applying the ultimate opposite thinking, but without much philosophizing behind it.  It is a  forceful, automated approach without much referencing to any philosophy of it. For eg   i like pleasure too much, therefore i will abstain from all pleasure. Or i keep wanting to steal, so i will not take anything from anyone and force myself to give to strangers everyday, OR i am shy and indifferent so i willl force myself to talk to at least one  stranger every day.

d. The Rebel Approach- which is using reverse psychology on someone with natural rebellions behaviors (arent we all rebellious from time to time)  even though the participant is aware of being applied the Approach.

All have their respective cost, benefits, risks and effectiveness under proper  teaching context. However, we insist and stand by our Above approach in the previous article, in picking the best blurbs. One should always aim for the Highest standard, the higher ground,  for Excellence, to be above all influence- i mean why not, if one could?  Shouldn't we all be Above, and Evolved, given the choice?  Though we understand the argument of whats is most effective NOW on a Practical/benefits level or Fear based teaching for prevention purposes, it is simply not the Positive and Evolved way of teaching

However, strictly for argument and comparison sake, within our Presentation in this article, we included some of the blurbs  based on the other varying Approaches as well. We listed them with a clarification first column detailing the Nature of Approach used.

In summary, we pretty much stood by our research and statements made in the 2013 first release, especially on the Above Approach, the  key Blurbs and Exercises.

One of the reasons of coming out with our first article back in 2013 with the Simplified model is to encourage and spur innovation on Simplified Teaching along these lines, not so much of self claiming that our way  is the ONLY way or proclaim our thinking should be  the ONLY blurb or ONLY Exercise, but to spark a new way of thinking in the Simplified Direction. We obviously encourage other educators or anyone interested in education to come up with Better blurbs and Exercises. If students can master quickly thru Simplicity, why not?

To take is a step further, what if all these Simplification  could be made FUN? Future evolution of the  Simplified Approach will be to Gamerized it - across all societal levels- schools, work, family etc
Read our article on Gamerfication for Selfhelp and selfgrowth -

And what if Simplification could be even More Simplified with One Word instead of one blurb?
How about
one unique  picture? perhaps with a funny slogan.
one silly handshake,
one simple dance move,
One hand sign? - The Latins has a long history of using these to exaggerate their communication, and some of them are pretty humorous- maybe we can also look into these to see which ones can be improvised with the 9 Primary Behaviors, so to use for Awareness and  Alertness when situations arise.

Or what about mobile  text msg symbols on the 9 Emotions? We have seen see a proliferation of text msg symbols nowadays used for various fun and humor, so why cant we also use these for simplifying education.

"the last gate and toughest gate to perfection",  do we all succumbed to it ?

Even with this Simplified Approach of mastering good Morals, some readers may question  and doubt the day of Perfect Society with minimal taint of evilness is ever attainable, since the "Last Hurdle" or "Last mile" is ever achievable.   By last mile, they were referring to Guilt- the problem of Affiliation.

The Affiliation of family, friends, groups, associations, corporates, governments,, international entities to cover up, ignore and not reveal a wrong, out of loyalty to the affiliation. And even worse than not blowing the whistle is to practice self deny and go along with the prevalent culture of "doing things", subtly encourage the wrongful culture by going along silently with the wink of the eye, thereby acknowledging the "new way of doing things" being acceptable. Over time, the unacceptable becomes the  "acceptable" as it creates a loophole or safe haven - a hive for wrongdoing for belonging to the "right " group. And these simply further encourages more wrong doings of different levels, multitude derivatives of the same, thus spinning off the viral cycle of corruption, until Corruption permeates all levels of society, causing its inevitable collapse.

This problem is so difficult to overcome as Affiliation is tied to one of human's greatest virtue- loyalty.
And the Guilt of not being loyal. No wonder we are destined to fail.

 Loyalty  is indeed a disease and a virtue!

This issue is indeed a complex enough topic that it warrants it own article-
Our thinking and proposed solution is within the article.

Finally, the Presentation.
Having discussed all open issues that have  arisen  since the first article in 2013, we finally present to you the updated Table here.

Here is the updated Table for the 9 Primary Emotions, their related Blurb and Exercise.
So what is new?

First, we elaborated a lot more on each Primary Emotion, since there are different and varying types of each Emotion.

Second, instead of just listing One Blurb (our Blurb), we listed other Blurbs based on Other different Approaches-the first left column
"Nature of Approach" shows which Approach, while the corresponding right  shows the blurb to that Approach.

While presenting all other Approaches as comparison for readers curiosity/interest, we however stand by our  Above Approach as being the best - arguments already debated previously above.  Therefore we did not come up with different Exercises for all the Other Approach.

We encourage the education world to come up with their own blurbs/exercises, to improve or innovate better ones- our goal here  is to  simply present a Model that welcomes  future suggestions and improvements.

Nature of Approach9 Primary Triggers
1a. Fear - not knowing how to face fear and manage the fear cause many people to panic
and commit wrongs.
Explanation: The Trigger to commit wrong comes from panicking due to being threatened, feeling insecure, reacting for the sake of survival, to prevent oneself from being blamed or to protect oneself and love ones such as friends and family.

One of the more important self awareness on Fear is to first "Not panic" and "Stay Calm".
There is always a solution, like asking for help, but the worse thing is to react negatively to it. It is important to be Aware of the Fear, Manage the Fear, Overcome the Fear by staying calm and doing the right thing.

Kinds of Fear

fear of loss of property, status/influence, hobby/privilege

fear of not having-greed based, exclusivity based, of not winning.
fear of safety for oneself, family, love ones, friends, any close affiliation.
Fear of punishment
1b. Our One sentence corrective blurb –
above“Stay Calm, uphold principles and do the right things at all times” 
or the short version "Uphold Principles, Do Right"
“Dont panic, stay principled, be unafraid of loss/consequence and do the right things irregardless- pick  proper corrective actions”
or the short version "Be Principled, Unafraid, Correct Properly"

Other Blurbs from other Approaches
aboveputting others first at all times, beyond self, family and affiliation.
to love everyone, everyone as family, and putting others first= harming others for self benefits is simply unacceptable
abovenever do a moral wrong no matter the circumstance, for one becomes the wrong no matter how great the excuse- nothing is worth that
aboveOne would never be able to face self again-nothing is worth breaking the value of self, the ideal of self
practical/beneficialdoing good and constantly building good relationships equals long term success- never do a single wrong that will taint the hard fought reputation.
it takes a life time to build a gd reputation and it take a second to throw it away.
fearretribution of doing wrong-what goes around comes around
practical/beneficialthere is always a solution out, nothing is impossible, not worth taking short cut that is punishable, just got to work on the solution harder, get more help, be super creative
OR short version  "Nothing is Impossible=Work on Solution"
practical/beneficialto win/gain/build fair and square, nothing worse than winning unfairly as winning/building loses its meaning
reversalbe brave and fearless, always- nothing can stop u in making things right
rebelonly the weak and unprepared fall to fear - are u weak?
1c. The One Exercise - facing short, challenging deadlines in projects with negative consequences if failed
This Exercise helps a student face fear, experience fear  and MANAGE fear, stay calm/detached, practice perseverance,  seek help quickly and seek proper corrective actions immediately.

Never give in to the Fear-  using all u have, your network of friends, being creative, to solve the problem.

One example of this Exercise could be a one hour sudden, unannounced school exam/quiz/assignment where the student will use all available resources to accomplish assignment-  students who fail will receive daily duties as  punishment.

An Exercise one can do alone (often or even daily)is to promise yourself to finish some task on time- for eg finishing some homework or assignment - or face self ridicule or friend's ridicule as punishment. Make it formal by announcing the oath, proclaim to everyone to up the stake on making the punishment tangible and not illusory. 
2a. Guilt- guilt is similar to Fear except that it is associated with a previous oath or responsibility to a 3rd party like family or friends, affiliation
Explanation: The trigger to commit wrong comes from guilt of being blamed, having been blamed before, or owing someone a favor or promise and must return a favor, or guilt from loyalty or affiliation, of not following wrongful orders from a higher authority such as employers, parents, friends, orgs, associations.
Kinds of Guilt

guilt of not doing enough or having enough for family, loved ones, or loyal close affiliation

guilt of not amending previous cheating and other wrongs done to family and loved ones
guilt of missing an opportunity or having missed a previous opportunity, for self, for family, love ones, affiliation
guilt of not returning favor, or doing favor or following orders based on loyalty/affiliation
guilt to moral self of making a previous mistake, error, crime== urge to amend through illegal acts
2b. Our One sentence corrective blurb-
“Doing the right things all the time regardless of pressures, favors owed-- negotiating your way out of it”

2c. Exercise = learn to negotiate out of any situation or favor owed, finding alternative and compromise.
This exercise allows the student to practice negotiation/compromise, facing and handling guilt, not bowing to pressure while sticking to the Right path.

Exercise can be structured around tough business (sales or management based) negotiations with tight limiting constraints.

Another role-play exercise is to say "no" to a best friend's request and re-negotiate. Promise yourself u will never  bow in to pressure and will negotiate hard to get out of situation.

One Exercise one can do alone is to find a situation to practice saying "no" . And practice negotiating to a better solution.  Practice saying no ; however not in a rude, senseless manner - offer a better solution for both parties. Practice good negotiation and look for that win win for both sides all the time. Most of the time, the other side can take a "no" if u explain logically in a nice polite manner.   One such Exercise could be price negotiation during a shopping season with local retail owners- dont back down feeling guilty, negotiate strongly and learn to walk away!

3a. Greed  to money, things in passion (hobby)and power to achieve money and things. 

 (***we have segregated out < status/fame, power/influence, feeling of self importance when ahead>
 to no. 4. Exclusivity)
b. Our  One sentence corrective blurb-
be above the vain
life is about self and others, not the vain

Other Blurbs from Other Approaches-
abovepower and influence is to serve others, always - never harm others to achieve power
feargreed on all vain things is not worth the punishment
3c. Exercise – same as 4c.


4a. Exclusivity – the urge to be important, famous/popular, respected/admired, to feel unique/special, to secure power/influence/status. Urge to win at all cost, break any rules, mostly due to either insecure inferior complex or ultra competitive type A overachiever behaviors.

Mostly related to type A individual, leadership roles, high achievers

b. Our One sentence corrective blurb-
Win fair and square the evolved way - the true spirit of competition and self worth
***what is greater than success is helping others succeed.
***to be above ALL things vain , success is about being selfless, sharing your success, helping others succeed

Other Blurbs by other Approaches-

practical balanceLife is about the self and the selfless, for one cant go without the other
practical its what u determine success for Self that matters, not other opinions
reversefocus on being selfless each day, not a iota of self centered feeling
practicalto focus on what truly matters of all eternity, not vain admiration that actually loses  self image/dignity
practicalpublic image is not worth breaking self worth
practical, fear not worth the punishment  for such vain feeling, vain image and vain things
practicalto win/build/gain fair and square is the spirit and nothing is worth violating that spirit
practicalThe end game is not the accumulation of vain things or the self feeling of importance. Self worth is about sharing your success, helping others succeed- never about success itself, for at the end of the road, u cant take along what is vain,only happiness
practicalaim to be selfless, not self centered- for the successful is the most selfless, for the vain things that goes against selfless only blocks the path to success
reversalaim to be absolutely selfless each and every day, block out all self centered thoughts and actions
rebelgreed is the weak and the easy way, selfless is the tough but true way
rebelare u man enough to win fair and square?

c. Exercise-
to Serve all People, to give your 100% best effort while taking zero credit for it, giving full credit away to others, regardless if these people are inferior/superior, or people u like/dislike.

One Exercise one can do alone is to do Community Service daily. There are tons of non-profits looking for
you to contribute freely, in many different ways. Everyone has a skill or talent to contribute.

The Exercise is to practice servitude to all people, especially those that are less fortunate or less of, for no expectation of any return.

This exercise is also needed to implement a “to be above all things vain” attitude, and to instill a service attitude, helping those that are inferior/better off or like/dislike with the same attitude of respect, just like a student towards a teacher. The person must serve with all his efforts and take ZERO credit for it and give full credit to others- this is to instill the Sharing and Helping others succeed notion without taking the credit(which is what's vain).

Two examples of this Exercise are-
MLM sales program where the successful salesman must help those below in order for him to succeed.
Or a student study mentor program where the good students must improve weak student scores to be recommended for stripes/victory

These 2 are best programs as any good program must consist the DUAL role incentive for self centered success and selfless mentoring/coaching/helping of  the weak to succeed AND be graded as such on BOTH with testimonies and votes of all participants.

The do good charity  approach  that current society practices only serves as a one way reminder to Serve, but failed to create Awareness that true Success requires BOTH individual success AND helping others succeed

Thus cementing the blurb: to compete to improve others , not batter == the proper middle road of "capitalism vs communism" or the right mode of Social Capitalism
5a. Jealousy- jealous of wealth, status, power/influence, success, relationships- usually love in relationship, love and care

b. Our One sentence corrective blurb

"one should not waste energy on negative things, but focus it on the positives-always"

Blurbs similar to  3,4 Greed and Exclusivity except for relationships
Other Blurbs by other Approaches-
above to be above ALL things vain(in this case, wasteful self-centered emotions), as happiness is about being selfless, sharing your success/happiness, helping others succeed”

above“Loving Everyone as Friends and Family – Wishing Everyone the Best
as "Love is a selfless energy"
abovebeing selfless w others equates happiness and this is the key
above put others first at all times

practicalto do wrong in relationships only worsens it, doesnt make it right
practicalto be successful in life one makes many friends, not loses friends thru jealousy
practicaljealousy waste time, focus on positives
practicalwishing the best of others at all times- being selfless and focusing on the positives, equal long term success for all== crucial for long term unity and longevity
reversalBeing aware of selfless at all times
aboveto compete fair and square- thats the focus- to better ourselves thru competition, not batter

c.Exercise- same as 4c
6a. Anger – due to being hurt in pride, ego, dignity, or being hurt physically, financially.
Or anger due to a strong sense of righteousness (which in this case not necessary a bad behavior)
Or just sensitive to anger, easily irritated by smallest issues
Exclusivity, selfishness could often lead to  anger
b. Our One sentence corrective blurb
“the evolved is above ridiculing and being ridiculed”
“act imminently and properly fight back the wrong (but doing it the right way, and not become like them)” ==this one is for " anger out of strong sense of righteousness"

Other Blurbs by other Approaches-
fearAnger is still the quickest, silliest/childish thing to commit wrong, not worth the punishment. Dont act in the Moment, Get out and Remove Yourself out of the Moment
practicaldo the appropriate thing to fix others wrong, to rebut legally, but never add unnecessary anger and do wrong, for if then u too become the unevolved
practicalpeople are being insulted all the times. the media does it everyday, stupid to take these seriously
abovefor the mature dont insult
reversalnever be emotional at anything. stay calm at all times
practicalpeople will just take advantage of your anger
rebel its so easy to become angry- to someones advantage!
c. Exercise- practice debates or sales mocks to difficult people or working with difficult big teams
This exercise teaches the student to be above ridicules, practice tact and tone management to defuse situations, having multitude of options to eliminate evil, to practice anger management, working in big teams among a variety of difficult people.

The exercise can be structured with one team purposely debating against and playing devils advocate against the second team's proposals/ideas.  All these must be done without getting angry- although the devil advocate team can use anger as mock play.

One Exercise one can do alone is to practice serious debates with friends or even strangers!  Debate hard, but the rule is never to get angry and never raise your voice. This is great practice in controlling anger.
7a. Lack of courage- feeling timid, moving along w peer pressure, consensus, or just being a natural introvert, or follower, who lacks communication efficiency, too shy to do the right thing, feeling uncomfortable and indecisive on doing the right thing.
Mainly due to lack of courage, being a  natural follower, lack of communication skills in being assertive.

b. Our One sentence blurb = “practice doing the uncomfortable(or uneasy), and make it habit”
Be assertive- each and every day.

Other Blurbs by other Approaches-
practicalyour unique voice matters- dont follow the crowd, be above the influence and peer pressure, watch your self worth always- all the time
practicalbe assertive
fearact up, speak up or u dont exist
rebellive your life, voice your opinion, show  us u are  alive!
reversaldo one assertive act a day

c Exercise –coldcalling on strangers as in sales/marketing. 
This exercise can be done with in person direct contact method or with phone calls.

Another exercise one can do alone is to promise yourself to talk to one new stranger every day
Practice to overcome until it is habit.
8a. Indifference – "i dont care" attitude, just feeling complacent, lazy, self-centered, lack of empathy to motivate oneself to do the right thing, to prevent wrong from happening.Or lack of awareness of the importance of "individual action over inaction" does contribute to society survival.

b. Our One Blurb- same as 7b

Other Blurbs by other Approaches-
practicalBeing indifferent is not being responsible, your action matters, your action means you care and you matter
fearbeing indifferent is risky-  the unaddressed can come back and harm u
aboveFreedom comes with responsibility and being indifferent on key matters is not being responsible
fearYour individual action, no matter how small, could mean a big difference- bet. life and death on the societal level
aboveyou are never alone, always a part of whole, your action or inaction contributes to the whole, no matter how hard u try to hide from this fact.
rebelprove your existence, be responsible

c. same as 7c  
One exercise one can do alone is to talk or twit about a new social issue every day. And get assertive!
9a. Deviousness- doing wrong things just to be entertained, to feel excitable, feeling bored. Could be unduly influenced by peer pressure(impulse), group affiliation (guilt) and showing off (exclusivity). Or extremely rebellious. See these in kids all the times.
b.  Our One Blurb -  "True Greatness comes from bettering others, not battering"
OR "True Greatness comes from doing only the Positives, never negatives"
The best way to fix this one is to educate “Happiness”. – Happiness is essentially about helping others, sharing YOU with others, sharing your passion, your ideals, your energy.

But it can only start with a “positive YOU- doing only the positives.”
Then come the possible “sharing YOU and  your passions with others"

Other Blurbs by other Approaches-

fearu will soon spiral into a monster of oblivion of no return, a slave of the dark

fearbeware of the dark side, for it sneaks in like the thief of night
practicalFacing the good self, the perfect self all the time.  Awareness of Self worth always
practicalmany ways to have fun, doing wrong is the most stupid way and most negative
fearwhat goes around comes around quickest, especially  those with no excuse
above Be above the influence- from peer pressure
reversalno negative thoughts, only the positive
c.Exercise- to do zero wrong each day and to help at least one person each day
If done wrong by accident, must correct the wrong on the same day.

One exercise one can do alone and easily is to help at least one person each day on the web- for eg
helping answer one's qns with your expertise. Groups of different interests are found easily over the web. In todays social media age, this is so much easier and wont take much time. 

End of Presentation-

Appendix- the 2013 Expanded Version
Secondary Emotions that can possibly lead to the 9 Primary TriggersCounter Habits to these Secondaries
Overly happy-->can lead to greed, exclusivity, complacencyHumility
Sadness can lead to anger, jealousy, indifference, guiltoptimistic, always positive, doing ur best
Frustration can lead to fear, greed , exclusivity, angernever give up, persistence
Overly tensed or nervous can lead to - fear, anger, eventual indifference and inaction so to block outrelax, detached at all times
Overly sensitive can lead to jealousy, anger, fear, eventual indifference and inaction so to block outmake slower decision, delay actions, clear head
Overly reactive can lead to angerextracting oneself immed out of situations, make logical decisions only after detaching
spontaneous, disorganized, impulsive behavior due to peer pressure can lead to guilt, greed, exclusivity, anger, deviousnessDetach oneself from peer group and behavior before logical decisions.
Constant rulebreaker (rebellious)can lead to exclusivity, deviousnessTo understand order and structure, Remembering to be “above it all” , being evolved.
Constantly insecure, inferior complex can lead to fear, guilt, anger, exclusivitySame as above
Constantly controlling can lead to fear, exclusivityTo delegate effectively, to trust.
Constant attention to economic necessity, survival can lead to fear, guiltto seek help in advance, to plan ahead
Constant protectiveness of family and friends, coworkers can lead to fear, guilt (affiliation issues)eliminate conflicts of interest scenarios way ahead of time

The above were published back in 2013, with the new 2016  Expanded Additions below.
emotionally weak/unstable=depressive, sadness could lead to anger, indifferenceoptimistic, always positive, doing ur best
emotionally weak/unstable= insecure (not to be confused w inferior complex), worry, paranoia could lead to fear, guilt, anger, inactionrelax, detached at all times, be positive
emotionally weak/unstable= helplessness (skill or communication wise)could lead to fear, guilt, anger, inactionto seek help in advance, to plan ahead, learn to be independent
emotionally weak/unstable= shyness, timid, shameful could lead to fear, guilt and inactionovercome fear, do one deed a day, overcome till it become habit
overly reliant, dependent on others could lead to fear, guilt, indifferencebe independent, aware of importance of self, selfgrowth
excessive shamelessness both leads to exclusivity, deviousness,greedbe humble
excessive fearlessness leads to guilt of not winning, greed, exclusivity, deviousnessbe humble and cautious
excessive extraversion-Excitement seeking,playful could lead to greed, anger, indifference to small things, deviousnessbe humble, cautious, and focus on meaningful things in life
excessive extraversion-attention seeking leads to exclusivity, greed for influence, anger and jealousybe above all things vain
excessive caring could lead to fear greed jealousykeep balance in perspective at all times
excessive introversion- detached coldness-stoic, unsentimental or social withdrawal-a loner- or low eq socially inept, could lead to indifference, inaction, timiditymake a new friend each day, be nice
overly serious could lead to anger, fear guiltlearn to relax, detached at all times
overly risk averse, timid, doubtful, cautious could lead to fear, indifference, inactionwhen u care= u matter
excessive openness to new ideas, risk-taking could lead to greedhumble, caution, question what u dont know excessively, be detailed
excessive close mindedness and inflexibility, stubbornness, vigilance could lead to indifferencecompromise if principle sustained and it leads to a higher ground
Excessive Agreeableness like selflessness could lead to guilt (affiliation)keep the balance in perspective
Excessive Agreeableness like submissiveness could lead to guilt (affiliation) fear, indifference, inactionlearn to say NO
Excessive Agreeableness like overly trusting, Gullibility could lead to anger and greedTrust, but verify diligently, be detailed in questioning
Overly empathetic could lead to guilt angerAction, not emotion
Low level of Agreeableness like Suspicious could lead to fear and indifferenceverify your feelings, dont make assumptions
Low level of Agreeableness like Callousness could lead to indifferencebe humble
Excessive Deceitfulness could lead to fear and guilt, greednever do wrong, be honest, be real
Excessive Manipulations and control-autocratic could lead to fear, guilt, anger, jealousy, exclusivity, greedlearn to give freedom, to trust, to delegate
Excessive arrogance- grandiosity, callousness- could lead to exclusivity, indifference, jealousy, anger, greed, indfference, fear, guiltbe humble
Excesssive selfishness, self centerness could lead to fear, guilt, exclusivity, greed, jealousy, anger, humble and selfless
Excess rulebreaker, rebelious could lead to exclusivity, deviousness, greedto understand rule, order, structure
Unsympathetic could lead to indifferenceu care= u matter
Excessive confrontational could lead to anger, exclusivitybe humble, be nice and be detached
Excessive Perfectionism or success driven-leader- could lead to fear, guilt, exclusivity, anger, jealousy and greedlearn to be practical
Excessive lack of Conscientiousness- irresponsibility, laziness- could lead to fear, guilt, indifferencenever break responsibility
Excessive distractibility, laziness, could lead to fear guilt indifferencelearn focus
Excessive rashness, implusive, impatience could lead to fear guilt angerextracting oneself immed out of situations, make logical decisions only after detaching
Excessive complacency could lead to fear guilt anger greed exclusivity, indifferencenever be complacent, always be alert
Excessive boredom, excitement seeking, fearlessness, shamelessness could lead to deviousnessbe humble, cautious, and focus on meaningful things in life, focus on not wasting time
Excessive relying on baseless Intuition over Logic could lead to rashness, overly reactive, gullibility, fearlessness, greed, anger, jealousy trust but verify, cant beat the math in the long run
Overly emotional over logic could lead to fear guilt, greed exclusivity, jealousy, angerbe detached
Lack of structure, order, discipline could lead to fear, anger, greed.learn discipline, duty

On the two most common emotions-
Love - excessive of it will lead to fear, guilt, jealousy
Hate - excessive of it will lead to jealousy, anger, deviousness

end of blog
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Blog Index:

On TImeline of Idu

Timeline, History, and whats new - idu

On Education-

Educating Morals and Ethics is about Simplicity -Yes! Michael Jordan can truly fly!

Is Sales and Marketing the Ultimate Savior to our Education System?!!

the Ultimate Ethics & Moral Education - Improv Theatre !??

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Teaching Success and Good Morals in 60 days?!- Part 2

Speed Reading and Speed Writing with superman, w/ anti-Kryptonite lasers

Simplicity Wins in Education - the single most powerful Word to teach success and good morals?!

The single Superhero Skill one could ever have... Even Superman cant beat this

Paying Students to attend school ?!

LifeSkills for Success- only for the privileged?!
The Problem on Affiliation - The Hereditary, Impossible Hurdle to a Perfect Moral Society?

On Future of Work, Perfect Team Chemistry, & “the Enabler”  to solve ALL Problems
Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- the non Star Trek approach
Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- PART 2

Future of Work = Aligning one's Passion and Life Purpose with Work
Future of Work = Aligning one's Passion and Life Purpose with Work - Part 2

How we got it all wrong in Gamification - the only One Variation that works

Finally, The Enabler to solve all social problems

On Charity and Non Profit Leadership-

Why Charities are getting it all wrong! Matching Passion to Charity

Revamping the Charity System with Passion Inc- is having maximum FUN the ultimate Savior to all Social Problems?!! Part II –Why Charities are getting it all wrong!

Matching Passion to Charity - Part 4- Finally, web platforms that combo "Passion, Cause, Skills" to solve all problems

Non Profit Leadership - Ambitious the totally Unambitious ?!!! You cant be serious.....

Non Profit Leadership - Ambitious the Unambitious PART B

the Super Lazy is truly Super! Charity the Lazy way

On Solving Hunger-

Super Serious Solution in ending world hunger - Yes Seriously Serious

On Solving Homelessness-

This is the article to end the word ”homelessness”?!!

The Math of Ending Homelessness - the undiscovered Marketer Testimony -PART 2

On Saving Animals-

SOLVING the Animal Shelter Problem

Solving the Animal Shelter Problem-Part 2-Super Scrabily Scooby !

Solving the Animal Shelter Problem-Part 3. Single Best Idea- Cafe all Sanctuaries into Magical Kingdoms!

On Solving Traffic issues-
Catch that Stormtrooper-Catch that Cyclist! It could save your life

Is 25 miles per hr really enough for ZERO VISION - the Irony here.....

Driving 20 Miles Per hr Speed Limit (not 30!!)in Suburbs to Save Lives!??!

Solving Traffic Gridlocks without a penny

Solving Traffic Problems

On Economy-

How to REVIVE the local small business economy in a recession and start a entrepreneur boom!The Triple win win win approach! The -new business SWAP OPTION-strategy

On Healthcare and Optimal Physical Performance-

Knowing the Yin and Yang of your food is more than just watching kung fu Panda -it could save your life?

Music - Boost Your brain Power without any Effort or a Penny

The needed Multi-Vitamin pill for Students to Succeed

Lose Weight Without a Sweat or a penny!

Ear Candling - Awesome Health Benefits

On Happiness and Purpose-

IDU  "6 Steps to Happiness"  QUICK SUMMARY   - 5 seconds to instant bliss…..but even 5 seconds is too long for  a superhero!

Idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 1

idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 2

idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 秘诀 part 1

idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 秘诀 part 2

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idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 秘诀 part 4

idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 秘诀 part 5 final part

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