Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Importance of Designating The Universally Accepted "Set of Life (Self Help) Blurbs" - Picking the Proper Color Light Saber for Baby Yoda.

This article is a continuation of the recently published article in yr 2020:

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Daily Reminders and Awareness in the Baby Yoda World - Self Help Blurbs using Instagram (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Hence, we will not repeat the key points of the article. Please review the above article for those who have not read it.

To create Awareness and constant Reminders, one should be exposed Repetitively to a fix set of self help Blurbs often enough ( once a week) to engrain memory and encourage practice. 

This article will address 2 issues:

1. Other Blurbs broadcast mediums

2. Designating the "SET OF BLURBS"  

On 1., besides using web mediums or social medias  such as instagram, one important broadcast medium is transportation stops, such as bus stops and subways.  Large LCD screens are now every where in these stops, so broadcasting them to reach critical mass should not be overlooked.

Another broadcast medium  is through selling self help consumer items such as tshirts, calenders, posters etc.

On 2, it is important to designate a same, fixed set of blurbs universally accepted - not to be changed or updated for long periods of time. One may argue on  why restrict ourselves to a fix set, or why cant one be flexible to add or change the blurbs or grow a list  as one progresses. The main reason is that to create memory and practice,  one should be exposed to the same blurbs at least once a week. Hence, if there are too many blurbs, memory creation becomes a problem. 

We should all discuss, perhaps vote, on designating  a fix  SET OF BLURBS that are universally accepted, that are overarching and important.  And once the SET is designated, it stays that way perpetually, with  as few updates or improvements as possible. (not to say there shouldnt be any new addition or better improvement if one think of one, but the updates should at least be annual or bi-annual )   

Below is our proposed SET OF BLURBS:

Our proposed SET OF BLURBS

We have written articles in 2012 and 2020  on our proposed SET OF BLURBS:


Solving ALL Charity Problems: MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 2 (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Solving ALL Charity Problems: MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 1 (iduidu.blogspot.com)

And we have compiled the same aggregated blurb list of the above 3 links here for easy viewing:

Happiness = Living ur passion, sharing ur passion  幸福 = 实贱热诚, 分享热诚

Happiness= using ur passion and talent to help others幸福 =助人于才华, 热诚

When Work  =passion = purpose,Work = doing without doing  

事业 = 不感劳力     = 沒做

Action over inaction = u care = u matter  管与不管的一念之间=关怀= 你的无价

Doing the right things all the time = u care, u matter
Correct errors and misunderstanding NOW = u care, u matter 纠黰

Love is a selfless energy = answer to all qns and dilemmas   = 无私

Selfless = encompass all, never partial  无私= 包容 ,无漏

Selfless = Everyone as family   无私= 每一个 家人

Nice = when in doubt, put others first 霸, 爷们, 完美思想  = 優愈时, 他人先

Putting others first =  key to all solutions

the Right or Left wont matter, if one "puts others first" 

Proper Culture = criticize w only a positive attitude, no negative emotions

To Compete = to better each other, not batter  (the high definition of competition)


Proper Etiquette -

Full consideration of others in speech and actions at all times.

Give respect, tolerance & acceptance. 

Politeness = awareness of proper tact and tone, manners, body language, observant of others.  listening well.

Proper Culture -

Treat others the same way you want to be treated in ALL situations.

Treat everyone as family,

Helping others as first nature, daily habit.

Criticize with ONLY positive attitude to help, NO negative emotions and thinking.

Verify gossips to prevent misunderstanding and third party sabotage.

Doing the right things all the time, correct errors and misunderstanding NOW

Love and Compassion as first nature- being caring, compassionate.

To compete is to better each other, not batter.


On Self 

Be aware of your thoughts, manage it- as they translate carelessly into negative emotions, which then migrate into negative speech or action.

Be mindful of not just your speech & actions, but also your  thoughts(intention and desire) and emotions in every moment.

Practice "I desire, but I do not need"
(this maturity stage eliminates  bad, negative emotions that led to wrongful actions)

To envy is natural (to compare and feel inequality is natural, it could help one appreciate greatness and motivate one to be better), but beware of jealousy - the extremism of envy, do not let envy become jealousy(hating someone just because he is better off, with sometimes sabotaging nature)

On Others

Love is a selfless energy that encompass ALL, never partial.

Selfless= everyone as family

Wish the best of others all the time= everyone as family

Love as solution- love is unconditional, no requirements, no obligations.

On anger- the evolved is above ridicule.

Learn peaceful conflict resolution and practice it.

On Society 
Action over inaction = u care u matter

Be assertive everyday

Freedom = responsibility

Win fair and square the evolved way- the true spirit of competition and self worth

On competition- true greatness comes from bettering others, not batter 

Whatever you wished for, give to others as well. Highest level of success = helping others succeed.

What is greater than success is helping others succeed.
We don't complete ourselves without completing others.

***The blurbs above on Success and Competition are important as they bridge the gap between what is ideal and what is Reality in a competitive capitalistic world (one filled with problems of Exclusivity)
