Wednesday, April 15, 2020

MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 1

Since the days of religion(ancient), self help renaissance(modern), and the last 30 yrs of New Age awake movement,  much have be published on what constitutes Mindfulness or the proper Mindset - a new awareness, a new consciousness of unity, peace and harmony. And how Mindfulness could be easily taught, AND  easily passed along to everyone to create a peaceful world of everlasting love and harmony.

Much progress has been made, especially in recent decades,  but certainly, more could be achieved to reach the ideal.

Here are thoughts and Key idea on the above from a universal Self Help perspective, derived from Simplicity, so to achieve the 
 "easily taught and easily passed along"  goal. 

First, what constitute Mindfulness or proper Mindset?
There are different definitions of Mindfulness on the web, but what if we can elevate the term to something broader, more meaningful, and totally impactful?

The below is a version that should be universally acceptable regardless of background, or culture (if there is any element missing, we welcome comments)

To be Mindful would constitute having Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture.

Proper Etiquette -

Full consideration of others in speech and actions at all times.

Give respect, tolerance & acceptance. 

Politeness = awareness of proper tact and tone, manners, body language, observant of others.  listening well.

Be aware of your own thoughts and emotions at ALL times as they could carelessly convert into negative speech and action. Be aware constantly of the 9 primary emotions that lead to wrong doings - we published an article on this in 2013

Teaching Success and Good Morals in 60 days?! The age of absurd Simplicity ...bring back that lemonade stand

Proper Culture -

Treat others the same way you want to be treated in ALL situations.

Treat everyone as family,

Helping others as first nature, daily habit.

Criticize with ONLY positive attitude to help, NO negative emotions and thinking.

Verify gossips to prevent misunderstanding and third party sabotage.

Doing the right things all the time, correct errors and misunderstanding NOW (or at least by end of day after end-of-day summary reflection. With social media and phone texting, it is inexcusable not to )

Love and Compassion as first nature- being caring, compassionate.

And most importantly, to compete is to better each other, not batter.


The above looks simple enough, but for everyone  to practice it on a daily basis requires a period of self growth.  More importantly, it requires finesse and tact to teach (pass it along) to all others-  family, friends, colleagues, strangers.

Imagine one would mumble the above 20 sentences to a love one, it would entail a certain level of finesse to elaborate effectively amid a confused look with raised eye brows.

What if all the above can be condense into merely one sentence?

Is it even possible?

It will be simple enough to remember, practice, and teach others, especially in our A.D.D. world where one forgets easily on anything more than one sentence.

If one would to pick just one word, "Mindful" will be most fitting, in line with

"Be Mindful at all times"
But it is an ambiguous word that is not easily understood and requires explanation. 

If one would pick just one sentence, we think the best one would be 
" Treat everyone the same way you want to be treated in ALL situations."

This sentence is well known in all cultures, simple enough to explain, self understood without much explanation needed,  easily remembered, and simple enough to teach quickly to everyone. It is also wide, over arching enough to cover most of the grounds in being Mindful = Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture.

The sentence simply means to put yourself in other people shoes, and have total consideration for others' perspective.

It simply means:

If u want others to treat you like family, treat others like family.

If you want others to help you at a moment's notice, help others at a moment's notice.

If you want others to not criticize you negatively, but with positive helpful comments, offer  the same to others.

If you want others not to act on unverified gossips that creates misunderstanding, follow  the same to others.

If you want others to treat you with care, compassion, respect, tolerance and acceptance, do the same to others.

If you want others to treat you with proper tact & tone and good manners with no sloppy body language, do the same to others.

And if you want others to help you improve, even amid the spirit of  competition, offer the same to them, for only then can you constantly motivate each other to excel rapidly.

In regard to Passing it along, instead of mumbling some 20 sentences in awkward situations, it is  much easier to Teach or Remind merely one sentence during critical situations - parent to child, teacher to students, boss to employee- but also during casual social settings such as  friends, family, colleagues, even strangers.

Culture and constant Awareness could be  further established and ingrained within society easily  off this one sentence by constantly Repeating it, and by reminding Everyone to be assertive, to speak up  at all levels and use this one sentence when every opportunity arises.

May we all stay Mindful, for love, peace and harmony,  off that one sentence.

Yes, only one sentence. 

One sentence only.

One sentence.

======End of Article======

In Part 2 of this article, we will explore in greater depth the concept of Mindfulness, Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture.
Link here-

Special Notes: the paragraphs and elements  above on Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture were first published in 2010, in our book  "Idu 6 Steps to Happiness" with a repeat printing in our article in 2012,

idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 1

idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 2