Monday, December 28, 2020

IDU published work, unpublished work, and some scrap Notes of various interests - 2004 to 2020

 Ever  since IDU was formed since 2006 - with formative stage going back as early as 2003- 

various projects and publications were worked on - web content, news articles, songs, poems, sitcom tv shows, movie, and of course the education research arm IDUBLOG of more than 80 articles on Blogger.

In the process, tons and tons of interesting quality  notes, scrap notes, and unpublished work were accumulated that never seen day light, never published.  Hence we take this opportunity at the end of yr 2020 to present all the interesting and artistic  ones on this one article with files/links attached.

These really bring back memories, and many are quite provocative to look at regardless of the time period they were made - they are indeed timeless!  So enjoy browsing them, the best is yet to be!

Index of over 30 documents:

IDU list of Highlights since 2004 till 2020 - Credits of the Idu Project published back in 2010

idu 2007 Moral Dilemma Series - notes

The idu Perfect World series - 2007

idu notes on solving charity problems in 2007

idu - a Mirco-Credit loan product idea to provide Health Insurance globally to 3rd world.

idu various collaboration efforts on Charity ideas/strategies - FB

Our idu contributor Steve Kanan's article on Extinct Animals thoughts- provocative!

Consulting and Advising Kiva and Microplace on Global Micro-loans - idu 2009

idu original Charity visions, initiatives 2005-2006

2007-2009 idu Notes, A Moral Code Forum - for clarity

2007 Valentine day 2nd PR Release on idu song on fire- international celebrity

2007 Valentine day 2nd PR Release on idu song on fire- international celebrity (

2007 idu Press Release on Valentine Day's program

2007 idu Press Release on Valentine Day's program (

Final Version of Valentine Day song on youtube 2007 - idu

Final Version of Valentine Day song on youtube 2007 - idu (

The Alternative Version of the idu Puppet Shows- 6 episodes, Lee's Version

idu SET of Blurbs - SIMPLIFY!

more idu scrap notes for website

2007 idu Valentines Day rap song -Youtube- scrap notes

idu one shot article on world peace 2006-2007

idu show puppets - more themes and notes 6 episodes


idu empowerment template -early 2005-2007

Early idu website notes 2005-2007

idu scrap notes 2005-2008

idu scrap notes 2005-2008 (

Idu Partnerships

Idu Partnerships (

idu main site 6 steps to Happiness key notes

idu main site 6 steps to Happiness key notes (

2007 idu puppet show- 6 episodes key notes on Themes

2007 idu puppet show- 6 episodes key notes on Themes (

2005 -2006 idu homepage design

2005 -2006 idu homepage design (

Idu movie script 2013- "Pablo"

Idu movie script 2013- "Pablo" (

Idu Comics - 2005-2006 notes

Idu Comics - 2005-2006 notes (

2007 idu blurbs for puppet show

2007 idu blurbs for puppet show (

idu Puppet show - youtube and yr 2007

idu Puppet show - youtube and yr 2007 (