Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Once upon a time, some existence Cares….. - that extra layer of Care in tact and tone

You are a Care bear.

You exist because you care.

You matter because you care.

No matter how you look at it, you are a being of Care.  

So the next time you are going to react negatively unnecessary in speech or action as in anger or near outburst, remember you wear that extra layer of Care - the Care that treats everyone as family, the Care that treats everyone the same way you want to be treated in similar situations.

And because you are a being of Care and you Care, act with Care and speak with Care. A good phrase to defuse most outburst situations may be:

“Hold on, calm down my brother, the heavens always help those who help each other. No need for such actions. Rest assure, working on what is good for all,  my good brother.”

So remember that extra layer of Care.

You  wear it all the time.  Naked or well clothed.

Remember it, before reacting.

You are a Care bear.

—————end of article————-

Below is a very lenghty PS, that is necessary. 

PS   How often and easily do we still get into those negative outburst situations on some emotional reflex, even though we know deep inside  that we should all be that nice Family man- treating every one as family, and treating everyone the same way we want to be treated in similar situations (Idu has published articles on these in the past  decade).

Idu wants to work on some powerful yet simple reminder to prevent and supercede  such reflex moments of outburst - a reminder that could  dominate our speech, actions, thoughts.  

Maybe an ornament  one wears around the neck like those religious or new age ?

Maybe a word or  phrase  to recite each day?

Maybe a popular hand gesture?

Maybe a cute peace loving cartoon image or toy to look at each day, like baby yoda?

Maybe a scarf, tie, handkerchief? 

Instead of all these, Idu decided  on the word Care- focusing on what the word  Care signifies. Also leaning on Care Bears from cartoon history. Who doesnt love those care bears, the cousins of our childhood stuffies. 

Decided upon that, idu then embarked on the ambitious mission on coning out with that one phase that could pacify most or all outburst situations: after much research, we decided on that “Hold on, calm down…..” phase.

We welcome your comments and suggestions on such an important topic of promoting social harmony through overcoming negative natural reflexes. 

————-end of PS————

Scrap Notes below:

 Extra Care in speech thiughts actions(gestures) in all 9 primary - the one simplified that covers all

A habit to counter negative reflex

Family man aplroach - everyone as family approach  

An appoach that reminds ourselves and others immed 

An apppeoach for close famiky abd friends  :: happy family hanster

Calm down

Hold on

Working on it my good brother, my beloved, sir, my lady


Hold on, calm down my brother, the heavens always help those who help each other. No need for sucb actions. Rest assure, working on what is good for all,  my good brother.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

IDU year end 2023 summary - social media launches


Even baby yoda feels like a pig.

2023 is quite a  year for idu as it launched a few more divisions to bring the current roster to such:

idu Blogs (launched in 2011 on Blogger, over 100 articles)  - Primarily Self-help.

idu Blurbs (launched in 2011) FB, Linkedin

idu Comic Strips (launched 2021 with "Cat & AI'  on Facebook)

idu Photos (launched in 2022) 

idu Unrehearsed School of Music (over 100 pieces across multiple instruments (keyboard), all original idu produced)   launched this yr 2023 

idu Poetry - launched 2023 

idu Chinese Poetry   launched 2023

idu Chinese Calligraphy - launched 2023,  Series contains over 20 original pieces.

idu Humor - launched 2023

idu Sci-fi  (launched Dec. 2020)

idu Publish  (launched 2006) - books and articles

idu Broadcast (currently temporary halted)

idu Witness ( currently halted for re-org  and relaunch )

idu Vsmash Tennis - launched 2023

idu Selfhelp & Success - a registered 501c3 non-profit - for "15 Traits of Success" - registered 2023

idu Films - launched 2007, re-org currently

idu Puppets - launched 2007, re-org currently

idu Music Production - launched 2007 with popular stars in the industry 

idu Kiva  - launched 2009

We expect more divisions in 2024 and wish everyone the best of New Year. 

*A Idu classic - the book "6 Steps to Happiness"   could be found at  

Idu main site : iduidu.ning.com   

** Idu Blogs   - All Article Index link here:


Not just a game of Love - "Excellent Tennis as Necessity"

Not just a game of Love.

It is about getting there. 

So how do we get there?

Excellent Tennis as Necessity.

This is a follow up article on the one idu published last year,

Not just the best sports ever, Tennis is a game of Love.


In this short article, we want to stress certain critical aspects of the previous article to highlight the importance of "Excellent Tennis as Necessity"  for Success and Good Morals.

Please read the previous article first, as we will not repeat the excessive here.

Quoting directly from the previous article, 


      The strenuity of the physical aspect of the game - the racket swing weight, the constant shifting around of the feet, with full body weight transfer motion into every stroke- lift the entire Menu to its highest climax, to its maximum limits, truly testing the apex of the player endurance Menu limits under maximum stress test scenarios.

Tennis is the ultimate game of
Performance under Pressure.

It is under this strenuous condition, this beyond the limits zone, that the player must constantly perform optimally (however forcefully) within this Dwell, constantly subjugating this Dwell of hell.




................., in regard to human anatomy and mechanics, to play good tennis, one must utilize all parts of the body.  It is an extremely physical, strenuous game, of arm, leg, hip and all other body part motion.

Which in turn makes tennis the most Mental sport of all sports. 

To play well in tennis- meaning good competitive tennis- on top of possessing the entire prerequisite Menu (will expose later in article), the gravity of the harsh, physical strenuity of the game truly tests the highest limits of physiological capability and endurance .

Tennis is the ultimate game in physiology. 

It not only test the limits of all  Body - Mind connections, but also the full limit and potential of the human spirit - heart to Mind/Body. Nowhere in any other sports will you find better training ground for such.  

Thus the most important sport in the Self Help arena.


End of  2 quotes.

The trails of Success or Good Morals will come sooner or later. 

And when it happens, one must have that ever lasting, forever going Perseverance, Persistence and Resilience  "to get there".     

Thus Excellent Tennis (at least the Advance level) with its rigorous training processes, will provide the required physiology to  ingrain that required Mental Toughness.

Tennis is the best sport to accomplish this important task.

This is the Highest I could always do- Opera Singing to educate good morals

Loud and Boisterous.

Do Loud and Boisterous play a role in educating good morals ?!

What about the Lows and the Highs?



Can participating in Opera Singing educate good morals? 

This very short article  MUST be read with one of our previous article


"The Ultimate Ethics & Moral Education - Improv Theatre !?? "


as it contains the Logic and PRECAUTIONS of the idea.  (which this article will not repeat)

With the necessary PRECAUTIONS taken, singing loud repeatedly the myraid of emotions forces one to experience life's different emotions more profoundly, thus experiencing life rapidly, and to remind oneself of the pitfalls/dangers of those negative emotions, and perhaps one day rise above those negative emotions (through staleness of repetition and familiarity of the process).

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

2023 December : ALL ARTICLE INDEX - over 90 articles - Where Mastery of Self is Past = Present = Future

 IDUBLOG Article Index:

Idublog has written over 80 articles from 2011 till the present 2023 December.

Once again, we want to thank Everyone who helped out on our articles, 

for without your input, these articles would not be possible.  

You know who you are.

To help those who lack time, we Highlighted in Green the most critical articles

these critical articles are the backbone of our ongoing focus

"Simplified  Self Help for Success and Good Morals" 


History, Timeline and what is new of Idu at 2018 end -


On Education & Self Help

This is the Highest I could always do- Opera Singing to educate good morals


Baby Yoda Manladorian Helmet- more powerful than you think - Breaking Ice.


Not just a game of Love - "Excellent Tennis as Necessity"


Not just the best sports ever, Tennis is a game of Love


The Importance of a jedi lightsaber that lights up everytime - Auto Recall in Selfhelp


Part 1 of 35 : IDU 35 Blurb Series


The King of Self Help Mastery - the Blurb - Part 1 of 33 Blurb Series


Fighting an Addiction with THE best Addiction - a Startup for the 5 cent Balloon ?


Fifty Shades of Gray - The solution to "how Gray is in the gray?"


Teaching Success in 60 days ??! Part 4 : "How to talk with Anyone"


The One and Only "Thought" for Perpetual Harmony - Yes Baby Yoda, it fits ! you can borrow my underwear...


How to Promote Life  Blurbs - with a Story merely 10 sentences or 20 seconds!? Stop hee heh, Baby Yoda, go find me a AI !


Daily Reminders and Awareness in the Baby Yoda World - Self Help Blurbs using Instagram

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Daily Reminders and Awareness in the Baby Yoda World - Self Help Blurbs using Instagram (iduidu.blogspot.com)


Baby Yoda, do you know you are a INTP ? A Physical Meetup Game for Self help and Discovery

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Baby Yoda, do you know you are a INTP ? A Physical Meetup Game for Self help and Discovery (iduidu.blogspot.com)   


The Super Power of a Universal Hand sign - and a Emoji to go with it!- more powerful than Baby Yoda!

Solving ALL Charity Problems: The Super Power of a Universal Hand sign - and a Emoji to go with it!- more powerful than Baby Yoda! (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?! - Managing & Balancing Secondary Emotions- Baby Yoda, this is your nurse droid IG88 !

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?! - Managing & Balancing Secondary Emotions- Baby Yoda, this is your nurse droid IG88 ! (iduidu.blogspot.com)   

The Eternal Problem of Yin and Yang Part 2 - Correcting Extreme, Obsessive, Compulsive

Solving ALL Charity Problems: The Eternal Problem of Yin and Yang Part 2 - Correcting Extreme, Obsessive, Compulsive (iduidu.blogspot.com)   

The missing Badge system to create that Good Society    *** Minor ideas contributed  by DBC and Friend

Solving ALL Charity Problems: The missing Badge system to create that Good Society (iduidu.blogspot.com)


Humor - the Mother of All Infinity Gauntlets

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Humor - the Mother of All Infinity Gauntlets (iduidu.blogspot.com)


The Natural Way - Natural Mentoring Phd

Solving ALL Charity Problems: The Natural Way - Natural Mentoring Phd (iduidu.blogspot.com)

MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 2

Solving ALL Charity Problems: MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 2 (iduidu.blogspot.com)

MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 1

Solving ALL Charity Problems: MINDFUL - Proper Etiquette and Proper Culture- Perfect World Part 1 (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Esports App and Prizes for Education? - Paying Students to attend Schools Part 2  

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Esports App and Prizes for Education? - Paying Students to attend Schools Part 2 (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Correct any misunderstanding at end of each day - Make Habit - Part 2 of "The Most Important Element for Harmony- MIND SET"

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Correct any misunderstanding at end of each day - Make Habit - Part 2 of "The Most Important Element for Harmony- MIND SET" (iduidu.blogspot.com)

The Eternal Problem of Yin and Yang - Channeling Dangerous Negative Energy into Positive?  

Solving ALL Charity Problems: The Eternal Problem of Yin and Yang - Channeling Dangerous Negative Energy into Positive? (iduidu.blogspot.com)

Career = Passion + Purpose (The Simplified Approach)


Holidays to eliminate Wrong Doings?! More Powerful than Captain Marvel


Educating Morals and Ethics is about Simplicity -Yes! Michael Jordan can truly fly!


The Sales Model that wins it ALL - "Everyone as Family"   *


Is Sales and Marketing the Ultimate Savior to our Education System?!!


the Ultimate Ethics & Moral Education - Improv Theatre !??   


Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?! The age of Simplicity ......bringing back that lemonade stand


Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?!- Part 2 


Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?!- Part 3    



Teaching Success in 60 days ??!- the Simplified Way- 15 Traits



Teaching Success in 60 days- the Simplified Way- Part 2


Teaching Success in 60 days ??! Part 3 : Simplify App for each of 15 Traits



Speed Reading and Speed Writing with superman, w/ anti-Kryptonite lasers 


Simplicity Wins in Education - the single most powerful Word to teach success and good morals?!


The single Superhero Skill one could ever have... Even Superman cant beat this


Paying Students to attend school ?! ***


LifeSkills for Success- only for the privileged?!

The Problem on Affiliation - The Hereditary, Impossible Hurdle to a Perfect Moral Society?  *


The Most Important Element for Harmony- MIND SET.



Self Help Skills - critical to complement Strong Moral Beliefs- to Prevent Wrongdoings. TO DO OR NOT TO DO? That should never be the question.


On Future of Work, Perfect Team Chemistry, & “the Enabler”  to solve ALL Problems

How to Work with ANYONE- distinguishing Personality Types in minutes!

Solving ALL Charity Problems: How to Work with ANYONE- distinguishing Personality Types in minutes! (idu1.blogspot.com)




Automation - The Final Enlightenment ?


All under one roof, days of the Tribe - Most Efficient Work Structure  **




Personality Profiles- the Super Simplified approach to Myers Briggs, Perfect Team Part 3




Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- the non Star Trek approach


Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- PART 2


Future of Work = Aligning one's Passion and Life Purpose with Work


Future of Work = Aligning one's Passion and Life Purpose with Work - Part 2


How we got it all wrong in Gamification - the only One Variation that works  *


Finally, The Enabler to solve all social problems  **


On Charity and Non Profit Leadership-


Why Charities are getting it all wrong! Matching Passion to Charity  


Revamping the Charity System with Passion Inc- is having maximum FUN the ultimate Savior to all Social Problems?!! Part II –Why Charities are getting it all wrong!   ***


Matching Passion to Charity - Part 4- Finally, web platforms that combo "Passion, Cause, Skills" to solve all problems **


Non Profit Leadership - Ambitious the totally Unambitious ?!!! You cant be serious.....


Non Profit Leadership - Ambitious the Unambitious PART B


the Super Lazy is truly Super! Charity the Lazy way

On Solving Hunger-


Super Serious Solution in ending world hunger - Yes Seriously Serious

On Solving Homelessness-


This is the article to end the word ”homelessness”?!!


The Math of Ending Homelessness - the undiscovered Marketer Testimony -PART 2

On Saving Animals-


SOLVING the Animal Shelter Problem


Solving the Animal Shelter Problem-Part 2-Super Scrabily Scooby !


Solving the Animal Shelter Problem-Part 3. Single Best Idea- Cafe all Sanctuaries into Magical Kingdoms!

On Solving Road Traffic issues-

R2D2 is expensive. Is that BB8 cheaper?- auto audio warning


Oh Majectic sun ! this is not that kryptonite moment!” - auto tint technology on windshield


Rub rub “Magic Lamp, please give me lamp….” - bad light alert in driving


Bikes, Electric bikes, electric skates, skateboards…..are BB8, Chopper, and Porgs next??!


 The free Orchestra on the road


My car is no Pinnochio - Lights or Mirrors needed !


Your car should be a candy store. A Life Saver.


Should Driving consists of a game of Guess? Confusing sign placements, traffic lights.


PACMAN on steroids - Going local instead of fast highways


To pee or not to pee? That is NOT the question.


Do not underestimate the power of Rest - could be costly!


The aroma of that Kong Pao chicken. More dangerous than you think! - Eating and Drinking while driving.


Slope up, Slope down. The $7k Rollercoaster ride on the highway.


Only Superheroes can drive. Mirrors needed at highway exits


Turn left, Turn right, Turn no more - Minimal Turns in Driving Navigation System


Exploring the world with your car? More difficult than Baby Yoda crossing his fingers!


Neon Reflective Stripes on Pedestrian attire to save Lives - No, this is not an eye test!

Solving ALL Charity Problems: Neon Reflective Stripes on Pedestrian attire to save Lives - No, this is not an eye test! (idu1.blogspot.com)


Good Personality is Bad for Driving?!!- Personality Test as Requirement for Driving Schools


Zero Traffic Accidents with EZ Pass Rewards?

Catch that Stormtrooper-Catch that Cyclist! It could save your life


Is 25 miles per hr really enough for ZERO VISION - the Irony here.....


Driving 20 Miles Per hr Speed Limit (not 30!!)in Suburbs to Save Lives!??!


Solving Traffic Gridlocks without a penny


Solving Traffic Problems

To Miss or not to Miss ? - Missing the Exit as a good Habit on Fast Highways


Mirror Mirror on the Wall - Save Lives with Traffic Mirrors - 11th Traffic idu article


On Economy-


How to REVIVE the local small business economy in a recession and start a entrepreneur boom!The Triple win win win approach! The -new business SWAP OPTION-strategy

On Healthcare and Optimal Physical Performance-

A Simple 20 Second Exercise each day -yes,only 20 seconds -could be done sitting on a chair!

Solving ALL Charity Problems: A Simple 20 Second Exercise each day -yes,only 20 seconds -could be done sitting on a chair! (idu1.blogspot.com)



Banning Public Marijuana Smoking - more dangerous than that cake walk second hand cigarette?




The Ultimate Health Care System -Ping Pong  *


Knowing the Yin and Yang of your food is more than just watching kung fu Panda -it could save your life?


Music - Boost Your brain Power without any Effort or a Penny


The needed Multi-Vitamin pill for Students to Succeed


Lose Weight Without a Sweat or a penny!


Ear Candling - Awesome Health Benefits

On Happiness= Passion+Purpose


IDU  "6 Steps to Happiness"  QUICK SUMMARY   - 5 seconds to instant bliss…..but even 5 seconds is too long for  a superhero!


Idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 1  **


idu "6 steps to happiness" ==part 2  **

idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 诀 part 1


idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 诀 part 2


du 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 诀 part 3


idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 诀 part 4


idu 爱嘟! HAPPY秘笈 - 幸福 诀 part 5 final part



here is the smallest blog in human history for the biggest task of "Making History" - Nonprofit Leadership


Science Fiction

A Science Fiction Short Story - How Close can Reality get to Fiction ? "Systems - Fall of the Indifferent"

Solving ALL Charity Problems: A Science Fiction Short Story - How Close can Reality get to Fiction ? "Systems - Fall of the Indifferent" (iduidu.blogspot.com)

"A poem entitled AI written by an AI with initials DBC"


Linguistic: Language

IDU “Captain Caveman” Universal Language - No Language required !?


LOVE Series

2022 Valentine Day : "The Love in Dissecting Love" Exhibit


Explanation : of yesterday's Valentines Day "The Love of Dissecting Love" Exhibit


Aftermath : One Missing? 2022 Valentine Day "The Love for Dissecting Love"
