You are a Care bear.
You exist because you care.
You matter because you care.
No matter how you look at it, you are a being of Care.
So the next time you are going to react negatively unnecessary in speech or action as in anger or near outburst, remember you wear that extra layer of Care - the Care that treats everyone as family, the Care that treats everyone the same way you want to be treated in similar situations.
And because you are a being of Care and you Care, act with Care and speak with Care. A good phrase to defuse most outburst situations may be:
“Hold on, calm down my brother, the heavens always help those who help each other. No need for such actions. Rest assure, working on what is good for all, my good brother.”
So remember that extra layer of Care.
You wear it all the time. Naked or well clothed.
Remember it, before reacting.
You are a Care bear.
—————end of article————-
Below is a very lenghty PS, that is necessary.
PS How often and easily do we still get into those negative outburst situations on some emotional reflex, even though we know deep inside that we should all be that nice Family man- treating every one as family, and treating everyone the same way we want to be treated in similar situations (Idu has published articles on these in the past decade).
Idu wants to work on some powerful yet simple reminder to prevent and supercede such reflex moments of outburst - a reminder that could dominate our speech, actions, thoughts.
Maybe an ornament one wears around the neck like those religious or new age ?
Maybe a word or phrase to recite each day?
Maybe a popular hand gesture?
Maybe a cute peace loving cartoon image or toy to look at each day, like baby yoda?
Maybe a scarf, tie, handkerchief?
Instead of all these, Idu decided on the word Care- focusing on what the word Care signifies. Also leaning on Care Bears from cartoon history. Who doesnt love those care bears, the cousins of our childhood stuffies.
Decided upon that, idu then embarked on the ambitious mission on coning out with that one phase that could pacify most or all outburst situations: after much research, we decided on that “Hold on, calm down…..” phase.
We welcome your comments and suggestions on such an important topic of promoting social harmony through overcoming negative natural reflexes.
————-end of PS————
Scrap Notes below:
Extra Care in speech thiughts actions(gestures) in all 9 primary - the one simplified that covers all
A habit to counter negative reflex
Family man aplroach - everyone as family approach
An appoach that reminds ourselves and others immed
An apppeoach for close famiky abd friends :: happy family hanster
Calm down
Hold on
Working on it my good brother, my beloved, sir, my lady
Hold on, calm down my brother, the heavens always help those who help each other. No need for sucb actions. Rest assure, working on what is good for all, my good brother.