Friday, December 31, 2021

Fighting an Addiction with THE best Addiction - a Startup for the 5 cent Balloon ?

It is a Balloon......

It is a Bubble....

It is a Capsule.....

It is a Spaceship...

Star Destroyer or Enterprise?

What do the above all have in common?


They are all Enclosed.  

Where everyone is "in the zone" .

We have written about addictions and  obsessive behaviors in the past, and in this article we would like to present an idea on solution.

Whether the treatment is  for serious addictions such as alcoholism, drug abuse or dangerous obsessive behaviors such as uncontrollable anger, agitations, we present our take on the elements required in a solution:

1. To overcome, one should live in a  new "in the zone" environment (secluded from outside world), one of strict regimen and control with like-minded people with similar problems. Much like the army,  religion, athlete academy, professional sports team,  entrepreneur incubators/accelerators  etc.

Secluded. Enclosed.

2. A private coach or mentor must be assigned individually- closely monitoring at all times outside of sleep hours.

3. This new environment will have tight time schedule of activities- much like the army- zero time to slack off or space out, zero vacation time, no outside world contact.

4. Time is focused on individual's Passion or hobby and  its intensive professional training to become a professional, vying to become the Best  Think Athlete academy on this one. All resources and mentors will be provided in such environment to assure success.   Passions that are extroverted (done with others), with a vigorous mind and body energy outputs, as in physical fitness such as  sports, have  a higher chance to overcome addiction:   Thus fighting the addiction with a healthy addiction. 

All addictions have certain repeated energy patterns. What are needed are activities  with certain looping energy patterns to counter  them. This can be analyzed by professionals with best physiological solution provided as to which  hobby/passion  to focus on.

5. An environment where everyone works and sleeps together -army style- where everyone monitors and helps each other, much like the army.  All will be furthered closely monitored nevertheless.

6. Think of the environment  as one that is highly pumped at all times- think cheerleader pumped-

fired up all the time by mentors and coaches to constantly push the participants.

(much like the gym coach who pushes you every second. Otherwise why have a gym coach - right?)

7. At the end of the day, everyone should be fully exhausted and ready to sleep.  Thus Zero time to slack and mind wander. Thus a very tight 24 hr curriculum tightly monitored.

Can such a Startup idea to overcome addictions on the above work?

Vigorous, Tight scheduling, Pumped, Zero Slack.

PS  This is our last article for yr 2021- wish all of you (especially those who helped out-you know who you are) the best of new year 2022.  The Best is yet to be and until the Book of Boba Fett contains pages to the whereabouts of the missing Baby Yoda, 
