Friday, December 27, 2019

The Eternal Problem of Yin and Yang - Channeling Dangerous Negative Energy into Positive?

*** This article is strictly a  Pre-lim exploratory article. Therefore do not apply any of the material within this article - it is at a pure research stage.

To embrace or not to embrace?

To embrace and channel the negatives into positives, all at a moment's notice?

If it could ever be that easy?! And without risk!

We all have positive and negative personality characteristics (thus energies), with the yang and the yin all mashed in, the energies constantly balancing- some beautifully balanced, some slightly out of balanced, and some irritatingly dangerously excessive, causing personal frustration and outburst. The Negatives are often necessary,  working  as self defense mechanism to counter the Positive so to create Balance. But when the Negative  gets excessive, imbalance accumulates, till point of dangerous outburst if not addressed or released properly/safely(think exercising in a gym, or venting out complaints and frustrations with friends).

From time to time, we all accumulate some strong, excessive,  unbalanced negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, exclusivity (power based self centered  inferior complex), engendering random outburst at times, causing  much frustration and damaged relationships.

What if everyone of these  Negative energies could be channel into Positive energies,  ending the cycles of self destructive  behaviors?
Sound too good to be true?
Or is it a double edge sword, ready to slice the unprepared or untrained  into oblivion-  much like the unprepared Jedi in the Star Wars sequels?

It is ever so often, amid our research,  that we encounter  notable books with original material and thinking.
 Chapter 9 "Confront Your Dark Side - The Law of Repression"   in  the  new book "The Laws of Human Nature" by the very controversial Robert Greene (who wrote the controversial "The 48 Laws of Power") talks
about how all of us have a Repressed Dark Side(we encourage educators to read this chapter in detail as it is insightful as well as intriguing! We will not repeat the details here).  Negative personality complex is deeply buried within  us since birth,  constantly accumulating due to our childhood grown up process, our parents' expectations, and the unending peer pressure and expectations from school / work colleagues. He claims humans are constantly wearing different masks, playing  different roles,including those against their true  personalities, doing their very best to get along with others. And thus over time, these negative energies stays buried, repressed,  without our  AWARENESS or the necessary Release,- IT  builds up, accumulates, and explodes when triggered by certain sensitive confrontations or mere casual events.

He stated that we should be Aware of these Dark Personalities/Energies buried deeply within us, since by being aware, we can control these emotions better and keep them contained. We should also thoroughly examine and explore them, not to deny them ,but Embrace them, and Integrate them into  our lives by channeling these Negatives  (thus Releasing - an important aspect since it will no longer stay buried) into Positive energies  and actions.

We found the chapter well written, insightful, presents new possibilities in the self-help space - What if EVERY Negative energy can be Channel into Positive? Think about the possibilities. Wont the world be a much better, peaceful place?  However,  his  research in that sole chapter is preliminary and flimsy, not fully  explored (which could be dangerous), and contained only 2 examples of channeling negative into positive.

There should  be no disagreement with  his statement  that Awareness is key and crucial in recognizing and controlling these emotions in all of us. Likewise, there should be  no issues with his Exploration statement  either- knowing the plus and minus of these negative energies definitely  improves Awareness and Control.  Also, Releasing the Negative energies frequently in proper venues is important- such as working out in the gym or venting it out with friends- as accumulation of these dark energies is seriously unhealthy.

However, the  Embracing aspect  may be  problematic  as not everyone can control these negative emotions after embrace- it might run rampant. Instead of Embracing, shouldn't  we all be logically Evolved and Deny, Subjugate or "shut out at all times" these Negatives ?
 Or should we Integrate the Negative by Channeling into Positive- can this truly be done by most people successfully and without danger?   What a profound, intriguing  topic, one with a dangerous abyss!

In the article we wrote on  overcoming the 9 Primary Emotions in committing wrong doings:

Teaching Good Morals in 60 days?!- Part 2

 we suggested Convincing ourselves through  Higher Logic (Evolved Thinking) and through Simplified Exercises, we form Good Habits to overcome these negative emotions and subsequently over time, neutralize all negative effects, - more along with the
Deny/Subjugate /Shut Out approach (Shut the negatives out! Never Dwell).

It is difficult to disagree that some of these Negative Emotions are Primal - we were born with them(different people have different degree)-  and we feel them affecting us at different times despite the Approaches we utilize to Counter them.

The Deny vs Embrace thinking are on two different opposite polar.
The Deny thinking : one recognizes the negatives, aims to  shut out the negatives at all times using Evolved Logic, thus never dwelling in the negative energy.
The Embrace thinking: one  recognizes  the  negatives , aims to  convert the negatives into positive actions or energies,  thus possibly dwelling partially or fully in the negative energy (as  some  negative energy still exist in raw form or semi-raw form despite the conversion)

The problem here with Integrating/Channeling is there is still a certain degree of Dwell time in the Negative while channeling into the Positive- meaning one still feel the Negative energy affecting them, thus Dwell time.  Over the long run, these Negatives can have a permanent negative effect that is difficult to correct nor control.

So what about a compromise solution:  can we  channel some of these negatives into positive actions while acknowledging the Higher Evolved Logic AND  not be affected by the negative effects within the DWELL? 
Still sound dangerous or overly complicated? Can everyone master this safely?
This is definitely a complicated topic, with dangers involved, which make this article a strictly  Pre-lim exploratory article to try dissect  this very interesting topic - with  dangers and benefits to be  discussed - and at this stage, we do  not try to arrive at any conclusions as many issues are still has to be examined in the future. Therefore we do not suggest applying any of the material within this article - we are at a pure research stage.

In this article,  we will briefly explore  some of the forms of Channeling the Negative Energy into Positive within our 9 Primary Emotions Framework. We will  divide the 9 Primary Emotions into "Serious Damaging  Negatives" and "Less Serious Negatives"

Serious Damaging Negatives - Anger, Exclusivity (Power based), Jealousy, Deviousness.
Less Serous Negatives - Fear, Guilt, Indifference, Lack of Courage, Greed.

Damaging Negatives-

Anger- Channeling anger into being Assertive - voicing opinions and fixing the wrongs, getting things done.

The downside is that u still dwell in the Anger, using its Aggressiveness- is this healthy over time?

Exclusivity (Power based)- Channel negative Arrogance and the Self Centered into Feeling Proud in  doing charity- great deeds.
The down side is that one still dwell within the Arrogance/Self Centered while doing good.

Jealousy- Channel into strong competitive drive-working harder to compete harder, to improve faster  within  a fair and square context.
The downside of this is that one could still Dwell within  the jealousy while taking Positive actions

Deviousness- Channel this creative mischief energy into humor, making people laugh, making people happy.
But would this form a habit of more habitual  creative mischief among kids within the Dwell?

Less Serious Negatives -

Fear - Channel fear into being prepared and organized, being alert always, slightly paranoid of negative outcomes thus covering all bases,  forever improving. Thus one thrives in Fear. Is this a good idea ?  Or should one be detached and unemotional in the face of Fear?

 Guilt - Channel Guilt into positive action - to make amend.
The downside of this is the Dwell in Guilt opens up the Affiliation risk of doing favors - breaking the rules, risk of corruption.

 Indifference- Channel into Reflective moments - to think, analyze clearly and calmly before Reacting dangerously.
The risk of this is forming a habit of inaction over time.

Lack of Courage- similar to fear on not being prepared.

 Greed- Channel negative Greed into Positive Greed of doing good.
Not much negative on this one.

Though we see the positives of Channeling in  the above, we clearly see the danger lurking in the shadows!
Should the above material  be taught?
 Can everyone master it without danger, with control?

The real problem centers on the DWELL time in the negative energy while channeling- though one is performing the Positive action, one still use some of  the Negative energy, thus Dwelling in it (much like using Dark energy to do good) throughout the process.  Overtime, the Dwell may have a long term effect on your emotional makeup and become  negatively unhealthy, and become  negatively ingrained  in a  permanent sense!
 Some people can control it,  but others cannot.

Different people have different personalty balance  and mix- some fairly balance, some slight imbalanced, some excessively imbalanced.
Some can control it , others cannot  - and even if one can control it now, it doesn't mean this doesn't change in the future as the DWELL mutates.

Or maybe this Channeling approach should only be used when all other methods  fail- much like a last resort?

In future articles, we shall debate further whether Integrating/Channeling
the Negative into the Positive should be acceptable thinking or whether  we should avoid it at all cost as it could get  dangerous and uncontrollable.

Can a Grey Jedi (commonly discussed in the Star Wars discussion forum) really work?
