Sunday, June 21, 2020

The missing Badge system to create that Good Society

How do we make Self Help successful and Helping Others prevalent and ubiquitous so to create that evolved, Good society?

What a question.... one that goes back thousands of years.

Thousands of years, staring at the stars, yearning for  the Answer.

Today, we stopped staring at the stars.

Today, we stared at something much smaller.
Yes, a lot smaller.
Small, like 4.5 inch small.

Today, we stared at our smart phone screens.

We stared at it so much, as if Aladdin is going to, all of a sudden, pop right out of it and give us 3 wishes.  
Who would want to miss that?!
We may miss it, so we stare at it.

We stare at it all day and night, when we eat, drink, poo.

We stare at it watching tv, eating dinner, chatting with love ones, sipping beer while scratching our bellies.
Prevalent it is. Addictive it is.
We stare and we stare more.

And then it dawns on me.

All these staring on that 4.5 inch, there may be something there.
And yes, there it is. 
Of course there is.


No.  Better.
The Answer.

A Badge.

Borrowing from the success of the iphone screen, a Badge is  a 2 inch by 4 inch virtual Badge phone app. 

So what if we stare at this Badge instead?

A Badge App that functions like a business card - that contains all your relevant info, but more expansive.

So why call it a Badge and not an app?

A Badge symbolizes Honor and Responsibility, much like the boy scout/girl scout system. A Badge is something one should look at everyday, and give it lots of thoughts- much like the boy/girl scout badges - and feel proud of.
Think of the Badge App like a business card, or a career Resume or a Social media Personal Profile page- all fit into this  2 by 4 badge.
When one look at your badge, one will know everything about you in a matter of minutes. It has all your hobbies/passion, Personality Profile, network breadth and reach, recommendations, referrals etc.
But most importantly, it contains  the 2 most important Sections: 
the Self Growth  section and the  Success section.

The Self Growth section contains ALL  the Self help content  relevant for Success with exercises, programmed in simple language- with Flashcards and Multiple Choice Quiz  re-learn modules- one can tackle casually in their free time with their progress recorded.

It has different levels, from beginners to advance, earning different level badges as one progresses, with different, addictive color badges dangling  at you along the way. It has a accreditation program where it tests you with exams and gives you certificates in all kinds of skills across all industries- readily accepted by all levels of society as formal professional accreditation.

The Success section is where you will utilize what you learn in the Self Growth section and apply  it to help people in various ways-much like a boy scout or girl scout system. 
It has a make friends and networking effect through helping people ranging from the easiest to the most complex of activities, while earning different level Olympian badges along the way.
This section has a viral element with a referral recommendation tree structure  whereby the more people you help, the more points you exponentially accumulate, expanding your network breadth.
Helping activities include answering questions, consulting, mentoring, and include much tedious, physical activities such as events, meetups etc.

The Goal is to engage the user once a day, even for a few minutes- to instill a culture of learning and helping others.

What are needed to make the above work?

First, the key is to make the Badge ubiquitous- making  it the De facto must have look-at screen item, not just for learning and helping others, but a must have for Life  in all levels of society: schools, corporate, governmental.  One uses it to apply to schools, jobs, and all aspects of life- much like a id card.

It integrates All -the one badge that tells it all.

For those who needs a higher level of Privacy, there are many privacy levels and features with many optional sections. There is simply no pressure. 

One could use the badge casually- in a non serious manner- such as to soft sell oneself, for hobbies, for making friends, network etc.

Second, by focusing on Passion.

On the Success-Helping section, the badge focuses on the user's Passions, offering tons of tangible and intangible hooks. It is always much easier and motivational to do something one is passionate about.

Third, Simple and Motivating to use, participate and advance.

Organized and programmed in simple format  with tons of motivational aspects to learn and advance quickly while earning all sorts of badges- accreditation of varieties and levels.

Forth , clear non-material and material rewards as incentives to constantly do better. 
The non-material rewards are Pride and Honor - in Self Growth and Helping Others- through the badges. It is a great feeling to stare at your badge  screen once a day as one progresses.

The material awards could be anything along the lines of user's Passion- the web industry could easily figure this out.

Fifth, making  the Badge  synonymous with Success.

The Badge  is the focal point for Success in life.
It contains all material of Self Help  to be sufficient and  successful.
In other words, if you go through all the steps in the app, you will be successful.
Everyone should use it.

So yes, it is a Badge.

The more we stare, the more we do.
Every day.
A Good badge.

P.S. Coincidentally, Linkedin has been promoting their new Badge for a while.
However, it only has 3 basic lines of info, such as name, work , school - much like a business card.   A missed opportunity?

One may yawn at the above, citing that it feels like merely a social media page, since the Facebook days. 
But it is truly more than that.
What is important is that Everything(mentioned above)  fits into that 2 by 4 screen, the size of a business card. And the way it makes you want to stare at it everyday - with pride and urge to do more.