You dont have to speak like Yoda in every sentence to remember this.
But even the most socially adept make this mistake!
No matter how matured a person you are, well trained in self help skills or Life skills, you can still make this mistake on the onset of high spirited situations, such as verbal arguments, where one is slightly off guard. This is because one is not being mindful enough of the correct Mind Set (or State of Mind) one should always carry inside us- at ALL times.
Why is it so easy to forget the correct Mind Set and what is this Mind Set ( 心态)?
In any 24 hr day, we stream through life playing different roles- role of a parent, role of a husband or wife, role of an employee or boss or entrepreneur, and some roles require us to put up a substantially different mask for each role - for eg that of an athlete, a performer in the arts, a teacher or mentor. Depending on the role we play, we put on a different face, expression, body language, tone, manners. We play our roles so earnestly and seriously that over time, we became emotional invested in each role that some of our "not so proper" behaviors and actions become natural habit.
And thus it becomes possible that under scenarios of high spirits, such as heated arguments or moments of frustration or irritation, we were caught off guard. That we let our habits of the Role run wild, and we abandon our Mind Set, while we blow off improper statements or actions that should have been properly handled with lots of thought and care.
Some of the other likely scenarios in making the above mistake include situations when we were under stress amid that daily grind,
or when under intense pressure such as competition when we put on that ultra competitive self-pretend mask, that we forget that
"we compete to better each other, not batter".
Or under excessively relaxed scenarios when we were having fun, making casual jokes, we often forgot the importance of Perception - how the other person perceives the joke.
It is so easy to go with the flow and forget our correct Mind Set.
So what is that correct Mind State?
How about "to simply treat others the same way you want to be treated, under the same circumstance".
Or even better,
" to treat ALL others like Family?"
Are you blowing off steam because u want the best for this person, treating that person like family?
If the answer is NO, then you are not carrying the correct Mind SET.
If one could carry the correct Mind Set at ALL times, under all emotional scenarios, while playing different Roles, even the most unskilled person in Life Skills could be the most adroit in respect to Harmony.
So the next time, BEFORE erupting that emotional response-whether casually, formally or jokingly - remember to think about "the" Mind Set . Be mindful of others, feelings at all times.
Approach every situation, everyone, with that same Mind Set
Carry that Mind Set at all times, despite the Roles (or the Masks you wear) you play.
For more articles, our "Article Index" is at bottom of this link :
You dont have to speak like Yoda in every sentence to remember this.
But even the most socially adept make this mistake!
No matter how matured a person you are, well trained in self help skills or Life skills, you can still make this mistake on the onset of high spirited situations, such as verbal arguments, where one is slightly off guard. This is because one is not being mindful enough of the correct Mind Set (or State of Mind) one should always carry inside us- at ALL times.
Why is it so easy to forget the correct Mind Set and what is this Mind Set ( 心态)?
In any 24 hr day, we stream through life playing different roles- role of a parent, role of a husband or wife, role of an employee or boss or entrepreneur, and some roles require us to put up a substantially different mask for each role - for eg that of an athlete, a performer in the arts, a teacher or mentor. Depending on the role we play, we put on a different face, expression, body language, tone, manners. We play our roles so earnestly and seriously that over time, we became emotional invested in each role that some of our "not so proper" behaviors and actions become natural habit.
And thus it becomes possible that under scenarios of high spirits, such as heated arguments or moments of frustration or irritation, we were caught off guard. That we let our habits of the Role run wild, and we abandon our Mind Set, while we blow off improper statements or actions that should have been properly handled with lots of thought and care.
Some of the other likely scenarios in making the above mistake include situations when we were under stress amid that daily grind,
or when under intense pressure such as competition when we put on that ultra competitive self-pretend mask, that we forget that
"we compete to better each other, not batter".
It is so easy to go with the flow and forget our correct Mind Set.
So what is that correct Mind State?
How about "to simply treat others the same way you want to be treated, under the same circumstance".
Or even better,
" to treat ALL others like Family?"
Are you blowing off steam because u want the best for this person, treating that person like family?
If the answer is NO, then you are not carrying the correct Mind SET.
If one could carry the correct Mind Set at ALL times, under all emotional scenarios, while playing different Roles, even the most unskilled person in Life Skills could be the most adroit in respect to Harmony.
So the next time, BEFORE erupting that emotional response-whether casually, formally or jokingly - remember to think about "the" Mind Set . Be mindful of others, feelings at all times.
Approach every situation, everyone, with that same Mind Set
Carry that Mind Set at all times, despite the Roles (or the Masks you wear) you play.
For more articles, our "Article Index" is at bottom of this link :